
I wanted to share something my daughter said when she got home from FIPs last night. She said - I looked around BCMA and tonight and I felt so happy to be there. I'm so grateful that we found it. I think that I would have been very lonely without it and it has really helped my mental health. I love it so much!

You are all doing such a wonderful job and I'm beyond grateful for all that you have done for India. She has had such an horrific time with bullying and BCMA has been a safe harbour for her.

warm regards Ann" Sep 2024
I wanted to say, what an incredible show. This one has been my favourite BCMA one since “A” started. I have always enjoyed seeing the little ones on stage but I have to admit, I'm just blown away by the sheer talent of the older cast. Ella, Izzy, Meika and Dana in particular - I cannot imagine how proud you must be of these students. It's difficult to believe they are still adolescents. It

is always such a pleasure for me to help out, even in such a small way as an ASC. To be able to contribute, even a tiny bit, to the spectacular performance today is something I'm really proud of. You do an exceptional job running BCMA and I just wanted to say, thank you for making such a difference in these kids lives and for all the opportunities you give them. I'm looking forward to seeing you next year."   - 2023 Parent

“ I love it at BCMA because I love singing and dancing and I've met a lot of people who have the same interests as me. I think everybody there is really nice and welcoming and I love what we do. BCMA makes me feel happy because it gives me a place where I can be myself. The teachers are great because they're all supportive and nice. They're funny and help you improve. My favourite part of BCMA is seeing my friends and teachers every single week, because everyone's funny and friendly which makes me feel good.”
J Schneider 13 yrs old
"Thank you! Jessie absolutely loved being apart of Frozen and has been singing Frozen songs day and night ever since (this is no exaggeration!) We are so proud of her. A huge thank you to you all, the team, backstage, lighting, music, etc etc! It was our first BCMA production and we were blown away by the amazing performance. John and l enjoyed being ASCs and seeing how it all works backstage. And the beautiful photos from Anna a very special keep sake for us. "
Thanks again, Tanya, John and Jessie
"Thank you again for giving Charlotte the opportunity to be the Yellow Brick Road Munchkin! She loved the experience so much (& she didn't even mind having her hair & make-up done this year!) & it meant the world to her. She was so focused, & just glowing. Still is, really! She told me very solemnly afterwards 'Mum, I have to tell you, that was the best night of my life." 

Can't wait for next year! B McAllister

“Our son has been learning dance at BCMA for 5 years. In that time he has studied Classical Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical, Acro and Drama in both group and private classes. He has been lucky enough to study under some fantastic established teachers and some up and coming innovative teachers. The training and support he has received from the teachers has been extraordinary both with his dancing for BCMA and also his long term plans of becoming a professional dancer. Being a part of the BCMA family has provided our son with confidence and support beyond our wildest dreams. The comradery amongst the families in the lounge and backstage is wonderful and the genuine care and support from all of the staff from Paula, the teachers and the office staff is what makes BCMA the best place to be. The assistance provided especially from Emma in the office is what got us through what for us was a new world. Our son has been accepted to study full time dance which has been made possible not only by his hard work but the support of the whole BCMA family and the incredible training provided. We have travelled overseas as part of an amazing group of talented singers, dancers and actors and competed in multiple Eisteddfods in Victoria gaining confidence and experience. We love the versatility at BCMA, the choices everyone has in their journey of exploring the ARTS and the acceptance of all of the kids and their uniqueness."
K Holzberger
“I absolutely and totally adore the BCMA. I love the BCMA waaaay more than Harry Potter because the BCMA is my home, my happy place, the most fun you’ll ever have IN THE WORLD, it’s super-dooper dancing (and drama-ing) (AND SINGING!) fun with some of the most marvellous kids you’ll ever meet, and the teachers are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G humans. I started at the BCMA just a year ago in the FiPS class, and now I dance in FiPS and Contemporary jnr, Classical Ballet Grade 3 and Tap. I also do Drama Jnr and Voice lessons, for now anyway. Next year I plan to join waaaaay more classes. I LOVE BCMA more than school, more than sleep, more than Chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream … I wish I could be at the BCMA every day, even though they don’t have classes on Sundays. When you become part of the BCMA family, you are a BCMA-er for LIFE!!!!!When I grow up, I am going to teach at the BCMA.”
M Perrin 11 years old
“BCMA has undoubtedly helped my son become a more polished and confident performer. The level of talent and performance blows me away every year from every single student. But that's not really why we joined, and BCMA has delivered in spades. For my son BCMA has provided him proof that it's okay to be true to who you are and that people will accept and embrace that. For him, it's given him a place to belong, feel safe, have fun, feel accepted and know that he's okay. It's given him confidence to have a go at new things which has presented him with opportunities that may not otherwise have come. For me I appreciate all the incidental learning that comes from him being a part of BCMA, particularly this year. He's learning the value of practice, teamwork and work ethic. This year BCMA has been a model in teaching him resilience, positivity and adaptability. In 2020 it could have been easy to look at the hurdles and not the way over them, and what an incredibly valuable life-lesson this has resulted in. I know the staff there genuinely care for and love all of the kids there for who they are, their quirks, skills and peculiarities. It's just simply an accepting, good feel place, and who wouldn't want a piece of that in their lives?”
S Schneider
“My birthday was on Saturday, and as is custom in our household, my 3 daughters all gave me a home made card. Missy's card listed all the things she loves about me, and is thankful for. Top of the list was "thanks for paying for me to go to BCMA", and second was "thanks for taking me to Newcastle" (which was nearly a year ago now)! The point is, BCMA is more than the teachers, the building, the community or even the opportunity it brings. BCMA makes our children happy! As a parent, that's all I care about, and there is no price I wouldn't pay for that. It has also provided us with many great family memories, that I'm sure will continue. So while the last few months have no doubt had their challenges, please be encouraged that what BCMA provides our children is so much more than singing or dancing lessons, or the occasional musical. Every Saturday morning as Missy has made up her hot water bottle to take out to the garage (that I've converted into her singing studio) for her 6 hours of classes, she has asked me "when do I get to go back to BCMA"? She just loves being there, and that's why we love it and value it (and you) so highly.”
D Davies
“It's been an incredible experience joining the BCMA community. From the beginning, we as a family have been met with warmth and encouragement. The BCMA team are friendly, inclusive and non-judgemental. BCMA has given our daughters astonishing opportunities and experiences, but even more fundamentally, a nurturing safe environment each week where our girls feel welcomed, encouraged, recognised for their efforts and supported to do anything they set their minds to. There are an amazing range of classes to choose from - it's great because kids can try so many different things. FIPs has been really fantastic - what a cool class - it has everything - drama, dance and singing in one class. The ballet teachers are just beautiful - so gentle and knowledgeable. The lessons provide everything little girls hope for when they put those ballet slippers on!We also have one of our girls doing private vocal tuition and this has become a very special relationship over the years, and given our daughter so much confidence and understanding about how her voice works. She has been involved with some really wonderful shows and projects. The BCMA parents are a great bunch too, and it's been so fun making new friendships while our kids are in classes. I can never stop raving about the BCMA because it really is a unique and special place.”
J Knowles
Thank you for two incredible shows yesterday. Teddy had

an absolute blast performing on stage with such an amazing cast and crew. He will be excited to come back next year to sing and dance for the first time in your vocal gym class." - F Olive

“Both my children have attended BCMA, my daughter since 2012. Over time they have been able to explore lots of different interests: ballet, contemporary dance, jazz, tap, musical theatre, piano, music theory and drums, there is so many different options. They have been supported and nurtured to develop their love of music and performing arts. The BCMA community is like a family, I have seen the children, some now adults, build lifelong friendships, I know my daughter has and as a parent I have had the opportunity to be involved with other parents who fun, welcoming and always willing to help each other, the kids and BCMA. The thing I love the most about BCMA is that it is all about the kids. Paula and the teachers encourage them to be the best they can be, supporting them to feel positive about what they can do, everyone is celebrated. The best example I can provide is when Paula stopped a concert rehearsal to focus on one little boy who was a bit upset and overwhelmed. She made sure he was okay, provided comfort and supported him to do what he could. When I saw this I knew my children were in the right place, a place where their interests are nurtured but more importantly their emotional well-being was a priority."
C Harrison
“We love BCMA it is our daughter Lona’s place she just loves to attend. This is Lona’s 9th year at this wonderful school, Lona really enjoys attending her classes at BCMA and the teaching and atmosphere there has opened up a whole world to Lona which gives her so much joy. She now has so much appreciation of a variety of musical theatre and music in general. The school is such a warm environment, Lona always feels very supported, nurtured and included at BCMA. Whilst Lona has progressed through the years at the school she has taken on more classes at her own pace which has allowed her skills to develop with her age and capability. Lona started at the age of 4 with musical theatre and is continuing to develop at the age of 12years. Lona now does, musical theatre, tap, acrobatics, troupe (group completion dances). The teachers and all the administration staff are of the highest calibre which includes all the people helping in the productions which are of a very high standard which in so achieving this, nothing is taken away from the complete fun of putting on a show. The tone of the staff is set by the director of BCMA Paula Heenan , professional, with a beautiful warmth and enduring patience. The BCMA is a wonderful community to be a part of whether it be taking part in the mid year gala fund raiser which is like a fun dance and singing festival to working backstage meeting very caring and hardworking staff and parents.”
G, D and L Green
“BCMA have helped my daughter build confidence I had never dreamed of. The little froggies teachers (pre-school class) took my nervous, shy child and helped her blossom. This school is so professional but also personal. Their end of year performances are incredible. They have made a big difference to us since we moved to Ballarat and through them we have built some lasting friendships.”
Alicia Neville
“The BCMA is like a second home for my kids; they feel loved, accepted and a genuine sense of belonging. The friendships and community are just beautiful. I also love the variety of performing arts that the BCMA provides our family. We have a ballerina who also learns drums, a musical theatre kid who can extend herself by learning different dance styles while also honing in on her singing and musical theatre skills, and a little person who’s moved up from the preschool program and trying jazz. The teachers are excellent. They are all so supportive and caring towards every student.”
C Reynolds
Just wanted to take the time to say a big thank you for all your hard work with Lucy this year.  And thank you for being so accommodating with allowing her to perform in the production with her injury.  It really made a big difference to her. Lucy has really enjoyed her time at BCMA this year, and we have enjoyed watching her flourish under the program you offer. Her confidence has grown and she has made some lovely new friends.  You should be very proud of the supportive culture that you have developed within the centre!" Donna

As a BMCA parent - I also LOVE it - amazing, but my favourite bit is actually the drive to and from BCMA with my girl.  Love doing vocal warm ups and belting out a song together, and sharing my musical loves. Best year yet, so thrilled I moved to BCMA this year, no regrets.  Seeing my daughter make so many wonderful friends outside of school is a close 2nd only to listening to the seniors rehearse, the inclusive environment, and the skills and confidence she has gained.  Volunteering and supporting the creation of community talent also feels amazing, especially after the COVID years. - Sarah L

"I just wanted to personally thank you and the team for everything you do for the kids that attend. You might remember when my daughter began classes she was too shy to sing in front of anyone and could barely let go of my hand in her first lesson. To see that same kid up there on stage smiling and singing in front of a full audience - I honestly can’t believe the transformation. BCMA offers so much more than just singing and dancing. You’ve given my daughter a confidence within herself and for that I can’t thank you enough!
Sally R
"I just wanted you to know how incredibly impressed I am with the performance of & Dorothy today. It was so beautiful, so well thought out. You and your team are amazing and I’m so glad that Lucy is involved in such a professional performing arts school. Thank you for all that you do." Abbie 
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